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Brexit, what happens now?

Brexit, what happens now?

UK citizens’ decision to exit the European Union really caught the world off guard. Last Thursday, traders thought the vote would fail and that sent values higher. On Friday, we got new information and stocks fell. Partly as a correction to what people had assumed and partly over fear as to what the future holds. Since the announcement, global stock markets have been down. And as often happens when markets go down on a Friday, traders return on Monday in “selling mode”. But we believe this will prove to be a short-term reaction to an unexpected event rather than a protracted downturn.

How to deal with market volatility

How to deal with market volatility

The start to 2016 has been marked by uncertainty in a number of areas. China, ISIS, Oil, etc. Not surprisingly, this uncertainty has caused plenty of fear and, consequently, volatility in global stock markets. Also not surprising are the familiar echoes from the “talking heads” on television and even some investors to “Get out!” or do something. Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to investing or risk management.