
Choosing the Right Investment Manager for Your Needs

Choosing the Right Investment Manager for Your Needs

Would you like to know how investment managers are selected for your portfolio?  It certainly is not a case of “we like this guy,” or “who has the best return.”  There is a very clear and defined due diligence process.  But because our team of advisors recognize that this many not be visible for you, it seemed valuable to share more about it.



Imagine a situation where you were at the playground on the seesaw with your older brother.  It works well at first.  Then winter comes. The next spring you hop on the seesaw again, but it doesn’t work anymore.  Your brother grew faster, and now the seesaw is out of balance.  He gets on, you fly up on your side, and you’re stuck with your legs dangling in the air, suspended until he lets you down.  Your seesaw is out of balance.  You need to rebalance to make it work the right way again.

How long could you live without the stock market?

How long could you live without the stock market?

Would you worry if the stock market closed for five months?  It did just that at the outbreak of World War I.  I’ll admit, that is over 100 years ago.  But what if the market was only open a few days a month?  I would guess that after a time, most people would actually worry less than they do now.  To see why that is so, let’s talk about what a market is, and what it does for us.